Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The beginning

In my own arrogance, I like to pretend that I am relativially technologically aware, and yet I know this is not the case. The technology that I am comfertable with at the age of 28 is beyond outdated when it comes to the world we live in and moe importantly the world that I and my daughter will llive in. I know that I need to make a concerted effort both personally and professionally to become both more comptent and immersed in the technological realms. This blog if it is succssful as a repository for my ramblings fits into the desire to be more immeresd and hopefully through it I can build my awareness and abilities. This purpose is served, but my other purpose is to express my many thoughts on the topics I am happy to pontificate about during my physical life. I am an father and a husband and an educator and a human being and all of those facets of my existance are necessary to consider. When I began ruminating on this blof my origional intention was to write primarially on the state of education and schooling in this country and the rest of the world. Although this will be a recuring focus of my thoughts, I need to expand to consider all aspect of my life, because as education should be life is, that is to say integrated. My own perosnal thoughts on schooling cannot be expressed with out considering my role as a father, husband, citizen (what ever that might mean) and member of a capiltalist society. As I begin this I also must condsider the reality that others can and may read what I write using this format. I suppose this is a conundrum that many have allready grappeld with, but it is one that I am just considering. I want to write her so that others can read it, and you what I say will be read by other people..... I guess this is where I have begun.